8 Mart 2019 Cuma

5-International Women's Day - Essay

International Women's Day - Essay

IIS Enzo Ferrari Chiaravalle, Italy- Teacher: Valentina Fera_ Essays

  • Women's Day is a very important celebration held each year in many countries all over the world. It is very common to tell the story of the fire in the Cotton factory in New York where dozenz of workers, who were prevented from escaping, died. Anyway, the origin of this day is not exclusively related to this tragical event.
    Women's Day dates back to 1909, a year after the mysterious fire that devastated the factory. The reason that led the American Socialist Party to establish this anniversary was a great demonstration in favor of the right to vote to all women. 15,000 women took the streets of New York City to march for voting rights, shorter hours and fair pay. After 1909 many other states have established a day dedicated to women. Even in Italy, on March 8, 1946 there was the first official celebration and the mimosa flower was chosen as a symbol of the festival.
    Even if today March 8 is celebrated by giving flowers, drinking cocktails and making women feel special, we always remember that behind this happy day there are centuries of social struggle.
    Gabriele Garieri, 3AP Agrarian School/ IIS Enzo Ferrari Italy, Teacher Valentina Fera
    International Women's Day is celebrated every year on March 8th. The aim of Women's Day is to remember the political, social and economic achievements of women and the violence they have suffered in history.
    The history of the women's celebration dates back to the early twentieth century: the choice of 8 March is related to a tragedy that happened in 1908. On that day, the workers of a textile industry in New York were killed by a fire . The fire of 1908, however, was confused with another fire in the same city, which occurred in 1911 and where 146 victims were recorded, including many women.
    The facts that really led to the establishment of Women's Day are actually more linked to the claim of women's rights, including the right to vote.
    Mattia Ponteduro, 3AP Agrarian School/ IIS ENZO FERRARI, ITALY Teacher: Valentina Fera

    International Women’s day is an important celebration held each year on march 8th to celebrate women all over the world. It is fundamental to remember the principle of gender equality, as expressed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, that provides that people receive equal treatment, with equal right of access to resources and opportunities, regardless of gender.
    Since women have become fully aware of their rights, the situation has improved considerably but full equality between men and women, from a legal and social point of view, is still very far. The situation is more serious in developing countries, where there is still a rigid patriarchal structure and numerous taboos. Women have less possibility  in making decisions in social, political and economic issues, and they are often victims of violence, discrimination and exclusion. In many countries of the world, also because of religion, women are reduced to a subordinate role compared to men, and they are considered only as wives and mothers that have to take care of children.  
    Thanks to the feminist movements and the implementation of equal social policies the gap between men and women is decreasing but there is still a lot to do.  I think that the International Women’s day is a great occasion to remember that women and men have the same importance in society.
    Nicoletta Bertucci, 1B Liceo Linguistico/ IIS ENZO FERRARI, ITALY- Teacher: Valentina Fera

    International Women's Day is celebrated in many countries around the world. It is a day when women are recognized for their achievements in society. The first National Women's Day was observed in the United States on 28 February 1909. The Socialist Party of America designated this day in honour of the 1908 workers' strike in New York. On that day, women protested against their working conditions .
    Despite the years of struggles and gradual conquests, the discrimination of women is one of the most serious negative phenomena affecting our society because disparity between men and women is a problem present everywhere in particular in field of work.  Even if women work and have the possibility of choosing their own destiny, it is hard for them to hold important positions.
    In conclusion, there is no doubt that important achievements have been reached, but these conquests do not completely cancel the gender differences still present.
    Salvatore Carchidi  3 AP IIS ENZO FERRARI, ITALY Teacher: Valentina Fera

    On International Women’s Day or, commonly called La Festa della Donna in Italy, the importance of women is celebrated by the giving and receiving of mimosa.
    Mimosa is a plant belonging to the Mimosacea family, which was imported into Europe at the beginning of the 19th century: originally from Australia where it found the ideal climate to grow and develop. In Italy, the twig of mimosa was associated with March 8 from 1946, when it was offered to women for the International Day on the initiative of the communist parliamentarian Teresa Mattei. The flowers of mimosa have a precise meaning: strength and femininity, for this reason they are the symbol of the Women's Day. Another reason is that they flourish at just the right time. In our country mimosa also grows spontaneously and it is therefore considered an economic flower affordable for everyone.
    In conclusion, these lively and cheerful yellow flowers  have become the symbol of the International Women's Day for their ability to flourish even in difficult environmental conditions .  They are associated with female history and therefore with the resilience of women, able to get up after every difficulty. They also symbolize the struggle for rights and gender equality.
    Francesca Sestito, 3AP Agrarian School , IIS ENZO FERRARI, ITALY Teacher: Valentina Fera

    International Women's day is an important celebration to remember that women and men should be equal and respected in the same way. There are many achievements concerning their role in our society. 
    In 2015, for instance, UN countries adopted the "Agenda 2030"  for a sustainable development. Among its 17 sustainable development goals, there is Goal 5  that is dedicated to women. The goal aims at  achieving  gender equality and empowering all women and girls and states that gender is not just a human rights issue. 
    Som​​​​​​e of the targets are : end discrimination and all violence against women and girls,  eliminate forced marriages and genital mutilation, ensure full participation in leadership and decision-making, promote empowerment of women through technology
    I hope that all these targets will be achieved.
    Maria Teresa Perruccio, 3AP Agrarian School, IIS Enzo Ferrari Chiaravalle, Italy Teacher: Valentina Fera

Etiler Anatolian High School Teacher: Arzu Çalık Seydim

Etiler Anatolian High School

International Women's Day Essays


  • Egemen Yıldız 
    International Women's Day is an international day celebrated on 8th March every year and defined by the United Nations. It is devoted to the development of political and social awareness of women based on human rights, and the celebration of their economic, political and social achievements.
    In our country, March 8, is known as a day to buy flowers for women. It was also a day when we saw the security forces including women suppressing and silencing other women who were on the streets in order to express their grief and media outlets including women condemning them.
    Not so long ago, Ataturk put the women at the center of the Republic in the time of the foundation of our country and honored them.
    “There is a way that we walk in peace and more honestly. This is the way that we make Turkish women our work partner, make them the partner, friend, supporter and helper of men in scientific, moral, social, economic life” said Ataturk and emphasized that each society is composed of two sexes, and if only one person of the genus gets the necessities of our century, that weakens the society by half.
    Unfortunately, our age-old republic has not been able to sustain its initial dynamism. The society, which has stuck to superstitions, taboos and dogmas, has not only failed to preserve its value, it has also pushed our women into the dark pit of ignorance. The woman, looking for her right, has found again another woman taking a stand against her. At one end, the situation of the woman in the city, who can benefit from the existing facilities, and girls who are not sent to school at the other end. The situation of women in rural areas imprisoned in the house or working in the fields. The superstitious and ignorant society has lost its conscience and has grown this gap.
    Women should guide the society with their emotions, logic, culture and elegance and shine like the Northern Lights. They must be aware that the balance of the earth must be preserved on a more equal basis for the future generations to leave a livable world.
    (Egemen Yıldız / Etiler Anatolian High School / Teacher: Arzu Çalık  Seydim)

    Ensar Raşid Kocagöz
    The meaning of 8 March isn't just important for the women rather for everyone. Since very old times many rights of women has been cheaten but nowadays the significance of the Human Rights has been increased.
    But there is also one point that I would like to mention and the subject is the misunderstanding of International Women's Day.
    During the meetings all around the world, there will laways accure different problems like every other meetings. Most of the people actually goes to the meetings to show everyone that everyone is equal and have the same rights but some of them wants trouble and can make really unrespectable movements such as nonsense banners, buck against police without a reason. I can give more examples but thats enough. You can find many images and videos on Internet. I just hate those who wants nothing else but trouble. Aside with that.
    The reason of 8 March being IWD is very different. It has his own story and its bloodcurling. In 8 March 1857 in New York the pitiless death of the poor women...
    From the beginning what I'm trying to say is that 8 March is a symbol of united power and no one can break this regulation. I want to end my writing with a famous singer's word named Neşet Ertaş: "Women are human, we're human beings."
    (Ensar Raşid Kocagöz / Etiler Anatolian High School / Teacher: Arzu Çalık Seydim)

    Aslı Vatansever
    March 8 is a day when the value of women is remembered. Since the existence of humanity, the place of women is different. They are the most important people in our lives.
    We should not remember the value of women only on March 8th. Women are the values ​​of every day. Our mothers, aunts, older sisters ... are certainly the ones who will always be with us and will always be with us. Let me briefly explain your story as follows; On March 8, 1908, women workers who did not get their rights in a textile factory in New York were involved in the strike. His bosses have locked the workers in the factory to prevent this behavior from the rioting of other factory workers. That day, a factory fire broke out and 129 women lost their lives. After this event, 8 March was declared as World Women's Day.
    The value of women should not only fit in the present, but we must make them feel that they are valuable every day. We must always remember that women have rights.
    (Aslı Vatansever / Etiler Anatolian High School / Teacher: Arzu Çalık Seydim)
    Seval Maden
    Women's day is an international day, celebrated on March 8th every year and defined by the United Nations.
    100 years have passed since the first Women's Day on February 28,1909. An international Women's Day was soon proposed at a conference in Copenhagen in 1910, held by socialist organizations from around the world. Clara Zetkin, a German socialist, suggested the idea to commemorate the strike of garment workers in the United States. The proposal received unanimous approval by over 100 women from 17 countries, including the first three women elected to the parliament of Finland. Beyond the garment workers strike, the Day was established to honor the movement for women's rights in general, including the right to vote (suffrage). At that time, no fixed date was selected for the observance. This declaration caused an International Women's Day to be commemorated in 1911 for the first time in Austria, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland. March 19 saw over a million men and women in a series of rallies worldwide. In addition to calling for the right for women to vote and to hold public office, they demanded the right to work and an end to discrimination on the job. What about, is women's day a celebration or quest for rights? Globally, 750 million women and girls were married before the age of 18. In 18 countries, husbands can legally prevent their wives from working; in 39 countries, daughters and sons do not have equal inheritance rights; and 49 countries lack laws protecting women from domestic. People are think this is the day of celebration but  this is the day of seeking women's rights.
    In history and today, women have fought and are fighting to get their rights. Women should be heard everytime  thus girls can  get to have good future.
    (Seval Maden / Etiler Anatolian High School / Teacher: Arzu Çalık Seydim)

    Bahar Cengizoğlu
    “Everything is the work of women in the World”
    Everything is the work of woman in the world. March 8, Interational Women's Day is very important like all other national days. All woman express their desine for equality and justice in this day so this day is very meaningful.
    Let’s look at this day in more defeiled . Forty thousand workers were worked badly and their labor was paid with low salary that’s why stroke. This event awakened in the world. Actually we shouldn’t just remember women once per year rether we should realize everyday their value .We should realize women’s effects in actions and their effects social life equality between genders we have to give the needed respect to the women. Women shouldn’t have exclusive rights. They must have women rights like everyone . Women should given oppprtunites (health,politics and military). The society needs the women for concious future.
    Everyone should respect this special meaningful day for women. We should always give them a value.
    (Bahar Cengizoğlu / Etiler Anatolian High School / Teacher: Arzu Çalık Seydim)

    Ulvi Maharramov
    8 March is a very special day which women express their desire for equality, freedom and peace in the world. This day is celebrated all over the world and is equal to everyone. The goal of this day is to announce the rights of women all over the world and indicate that they exist in society. The role of women have an important place in these days. As it is known, the value given to women was very little, even nothing. After years of struggle and difficulties, women gained their rights. In fact, the main purpose of women's day is to remind women of their rights and to emphasize that they are not alone.
    On this day all women are a whole and the emphasise that the societies which they live have some problems with women and they are equal with other people.
    Women’s rights should be remembered every day, not only on 8 March.
    (Ulvi Maharramov / Etiler Anatolian High School / Teacher: Arzu Çalık Seydim)

Erdemli Borsa Istanbul Scıence Hıgh School /Teacher Eda Ekşioğlu

Women's Day Essay

  • This beautiful creation of the God! The angel on the earth makes our life a wonderful experience all together. Imagining life without a woman is quite hard-hitting. This angel shakes the cradle with one hand the earth with the other hand. The fact that all the great people of the world are born from the womb of a woman and it is a woman from whom those great people have taken their initial teachings. And that is the reason we have always emphasized upon giving the due respect to women in their life. And that is why women’s day is celebrated with so much of zeal and it has spread throughout the world.
    Aleyna Çetin /ERDEMLİ Borsa Istanbul Scıence Hıgh School /Teacher : Eda Ekşioğlu 
     Celebrating Woman is a way of feeling gratitude to the each and every woman in one’s life, be it in the professional or the personal life. International Women’s day is observed every year on 8th of March and it is observed around the world to celebrate the velour of women. In most of the country the day has been observed as a national holiday. Women from various cultural and ethnic groups come together crossing all the boundaries to remember their struggle of many decade for peace, justice, equality and development. The day allows women to raise her voice for an equal opportunity in whatever field she wants to participate in; same a man is provided with.
    Beyza Ertürk /ERDEMLİ Borsa Istanbul Scıence Hıgh School /Teacher : Eda Ekşioğlu 
     The bottom line of celebrating women’s day is due to the wide spread differences in various fields- the pay difference of 14.9% between men and women, only 21.4% of seats for women in parliament around the world, lack of awareness for women education and many more.
    Ecemsıla Çulha /ERDEMLİ Borsa Istanbul Scıence Hıgh School /Teacher : Eda Ekşioğlu 
    International women’s Day all about feeling women realize their worth and giving them boost to achieve as per their actual potential. On this day the world unites to appreciate their courage to cross all the hurdles and make such tremendous improvement in all most all the spheres of life. Besides that, it is the most important thing to be given emphasis is the work that still needs to be done to fill that gap completely that had existed from ages.
    3. A general myth that exists in the society is that issues related to women empowerment can only be addressed at an infinitesimally slower pace. Many people out there in society believe that the gender gap not really exits and some are also of the belief that the efforts made by individuals cannot actually make difference to the gender gap that exists in the society. These beliefs have over the years debilitated the power of women. The first in this Endeavour to eradicating this deep rooted menace is realizing that the problem can only be identified and solved by interacting with the people who are actually irrational taboos of the society. On this day we must realize that every single person’s contribution towards fighting a threat of the society counts. International women’s day is all about being aware of the fact that each individual has to work in their own way for changing the ugly face of the society.
    Elifsude Gevikler /ERDEMLİ Borsa Istanbul Scıence Hıgh School /Teacher : Eda Ekşioğlu 

Beşiktaş Atatürk Anatolian High School Group 2 - Teacher: İnayet Çalışkan

  • International Women's Day Essays
    Beşiktaş Atatürk Anatolian High School Group 2
    Teacher: İnayet Çalışkan
    Alperen Hasanoğlu
      International Women’s Day is celebrated to pay regard to all women. Woman is respectable, and all the men should care about the rights of women as well as the women. International Women’s Day is a day to remember the importance of the woman so it should be celebrated on national and international levels.
      If you want to understand the importance of women, I can only try to explain it. A woman is very caring and loving as a mother, as a daughter, as a sister, as a wife and as a friend. A woman sacrifices her whole life for her family, works from day to night for the support of her family and spends her whole life for others. A woman can not be defeated if she stands against something. If she is stubborn, then she can pass through every trouble. The women are the key to a better, happier future. A collection of sacrifice, love, care, mystery, fun, tears, grace and beauty is called a “Woman”.
    Berke Çimenoğlu
    International Women’s Day is celebrated with full enthusiasm all over the world. It has been observed since early 1990s but now it is celebrated every year on 8th March. The agenda behind celebrating this day is to empower the women who has gone through number of hurdles all through her life be it their social, political, religious, and cultural rights simultaneously it also calls for “Gender Equality”.
    Although many years have passed by, they are still fighting for equality throughout the world.  Whether it is for political rights, positions in government leadership, economic equality, it is still an uphill battle for all women regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and religion.  It is a cause which ignites passion and unites us globally.  
    Women are still not getting equal pay with some sources reporting it will be at least another 65 years until women can close the gender gap. Women are still being sexually harassed in workplaces.  Women are still facing sexual violence in countries throughout the world, and many have been enslaved into human trafficking.
    Aysu Kayazade
    International Women's Day is celebrated every year on 8th of March. The day is a global day that celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political accomplishments of women.
    The story of NWD: 
       On 8 March 1857, in New York a group of garment workers’ concerted together against reckless working conditions. They demanded a decrease on their working hours to ten hours. Fifty years after this action 15k women gathered and made a strike to get better working conditions and right of choice. Then next years the strike grown and 20-30k women took a part in it.    
      About a year after in a strike on 8th of March, a fire broke out in the company’s workshop. In this fire, emergency exits of the building were closed and women were left to death. Then socialists started to celebrate this day as Women’s Day. The first National Woman’s Day was occured in USA in 1909. A party in America designated this day in honour of the 1908 garment workers’ strike in New York. 
       This strikes were social protests against harsh working conditions and it shows women’s struggle at various scales all over the world. To sum up International Women's Day is a collective day of global celebration and a call for gender parity.
    Hakkı Burak Kaya
    8 March International Women's Day is the remembrence of the women that lived 150 years ago and wanted equal rights as men. On March the 8th 1857 in New York State of US, 40 thousand textile workers began strike in cause of better working conditions.
     The police beat them and locked them into the factory. A fire started in the factory and they couldn't ran outside the barricades. That caused 120 women workers to die. We are all human. These women were just wanting equal rights... This day is a mourning day. This day is a shame for humanity. But more importantly, this day should remind us to emphathize and care for each other. We should try to understand the feeling of the others and respect them. We should not force something to someone that ourselves would not want.
     As humans, we should all try to make the world a better and happier place. Not for only ourselves, for everyone.
      Dilara ÖZTÜRK
    Origins of Women's Day
     "In 1908 in New York 15,000 women marched through the city demanding shorter work hours, better pay, voting rights and an end to child labour. The owner of the factory where these women were working, trying to avoid publicity of their action, closed them in the factory.Unfortunately, fire broke up and 129 women died because they couldn't get over the police barricade. To commemorate this day, in 1910 Socialist International in Copenhagen established International Woman's Day." 
    If you could see it from my eyes you would know you are one gem of a Woman!
    Every Home,Every Heart, Every Feeling,Every Moment Of happiness is incomplete without you. Only you can complete this world .Happy Women’s Day
    Elif Mumcu
    International Women's Day ,which is celebrated on 8 March, is a day celebrated to raise awareness among people about women's rights and equal society. Another aim is to show  people that there are a lot of  people -especially women- who can not realize their full potential, can not have the same rights only because of their gender.
    For centuries women weren't equal to men.Even now,in the 21st century, there are countries where women have less rights than men.In most of the countries even though a woman and a man does the same work,woman is less paid.This means that nearly half of the population is not equally paid.
    Govrenments and people should be aware of the fact that discrimination is not benefical.To develop whole society needs to unite. Societies should acknowledge women and their potential in order to develop as a whole.

Beşiktaş Atatürk Anatolian High School Group 1- Teacher: Fatma Boztepe

  •    As we all know, women in history always had to fight for their rights because of patriarchalism in society. After fighting for ending discrimination, they finally started to take their place in the world as they deserve. 

            The first International Women’s Day was run in 1911 in some European countries such as Austria, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland. More than a million women and men gathered to campaign for women’s rights to work, vote, education, and equality. By 1975,  International Women’s Day was officially recognized by the United Nations and has continued to gain international recognition. In some places like China, Afghanistan, Russia, and Burkina Faso,  International Women’s Day is a national holiday. 

             It is an important day to remember. The rights that we have as a woman now, comes from great fights from the past. We should honor our heritage in hand in hand with men. But also, it is a day to celebrate. To celebrate equality and the women's part in society today. Most importantly, it must be a day not to forget. The parity is far from obtaining. There are still a lot of women out there who are subjected to violence both physically and mentally. So, we must not forget that the fight against discrimination is not over and we should keep fighting. 
    Mira METİN - Beşiktaş Atatürk Anatolian High School 1. Group Teacher: Fatma Boztepe   
    “Women can’t drive, do sports, make the right decisions, work, study...” they say. They think that women are born to be mothers to their children and wives to their husbands but Women’s Day is here to prove them wrong. 
    For centuries women have been of secondary importance compared to men and they had never gotten a chance to prove themselves in all areas such as science, mathematics or arts. However modern women know their worth and they are fighting for their rights. Therefore, women want to raise awareness to this issue to get what they deserve and March 8, International Women’s Day, is a great way to spread out their ideas. Despite what some misogynists who say that feminists are claiming that “Women are better than men.”, the feminists are actually stating that men and women are equal and no gender is superior to the other. 
    In conclusion, we can say that Women’s Day is a day dedicated to make people pay attention to gender inequality, not a cry for attention. 
    Begüm Kayaalp - Beşiktaş Atatürk Anatolian High School  -1. Group Teacher: Fatma Boztepe 
    8 March International Women's Day is a day that must be known and cared for by all persons. Today is a day for women to draw attention to the subject of "women's rights".
    The concept of "women's rights" is a concept that is great importance; especially in the 19th century. And it is the name given to all the rights of women equal to men. In fact, even this definition, the use of the phrase in "equal to men" is an indication that there is no equality between women and men. If we had overcome this problem, we would have realized that the term "human rights" should stand out in the present age, rather than the term "women's rights".
    Women are "ignored" in many issues around the world. In many state legal regulations, there is a distinction between women and men. In many regions around the world women are not recognized for choosing marriages, marriages, divorce and other basic civil rights. moreover, physical violence and psychological pressure for women cannot be completely prevented even in the most modern countries, and women are still being killed.
    We must always be conscious of them; and we must do all we can to build a world where women do not see the treatment they do not deserve by other people.
    Zeynep Serra Akkaya - Beşiktaş Atatürk Anatolian High School-1. Group Teacher: Fatma Boztepe
    Women are considered as 'The Goddess' in the Indian society from the ancient time however it is also true that they are not treated as goddess. The way of behaving, thinking and doing of women is completely different from the men so we can say that women are physically, physiologically and psychologically not equal to men. 
    Women are the half population of the world mean half power of the world. If women of any country are not empowered mean that country is lack of half power. Without woman nothing is possible for men; women are basic unit of the society, they make a family, family make a home, home make a society and ultimately societies make a country. 
    Throughout history, gender equality has been a recurring issue. In different cultures across the world there has been an imbalance between the roles of men and women in society. Starting from early civilization, men have held the power within government and society, while women have been seen as housewives.  But things are getting changed now; women are being aware of their rights and understanding well the dominating nature of men over their whole life. 
    Gizem Gümüşışık Beşiktaş Atatürk Anatolian High School Group:1 Teacher: Fatma Boztepe
    International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. It is a focal point in the movement for women's rights.
    I believe that the day is especially important in the parts of the world where genders aren’t equal and patriarchal structure is still dominant. In those places, women struggle with inequality where there is no social awareness. Likewise, that’s why International Women’s Day must be important for both men and women: to raise awareness.
    Although it is celebrated in many countries as a ‘holiday’, it doesn’t have a good background. The reason why its day is 8 March is a bloody strike ended with 129 women’s death. In 8 March 1857, about 40.000 people gathered in front of the factory they work at to protest the inequal working conditions. But they had been attacked and locked to the factory and couldn’t run away from the fire and the 129 women who couldn’t have escaped died there.
    Thenceforward, most of the people defend the gender equality and since then, 8 March became the day that shows the empowerment of women and also started to symbolise the equailty between men and women.
    Zeynep İsmihan Avşar - Beşiktaş Atatürk Anatolian High School / 1. Group Teacher: Fatma Boztepe             
    First of all, International Women's Day is the proof of the equality between men and woman. As men, we treated women like they were inferior to us but they are not and this day verifies it.Generally, it is celebrated to provide respect to whole women fraternity, appreciate them and to express love for them. As women are the major part of the society and plays a great role in the economic, political, and social activities, international women’s day is commemorated to remember and appreciate women’s all over achievements.
    Even though, women enjoy more rights than they had in past; we can't say we made a clean break to obscurantism yet.Sadly, in many parts of the developing world, women aren’t given the opportunity to realize their God-given potential. They’re often treated as second-class citizens, subject to gender-based discrimination, abuse, and exploitation. For example,many girls aren’t given the chance to stay in school or pursue their dreams for the future.
    To sum up, International Women's day shows us everyone has a place in society, nobody should be caged to their home if he or she is not willing to.
       Kerem Gür -  Beşiktaş Atatürk Anatolian High School Group:1 Teacher: Fatma Boztepe      

Esaays on Women's day and Its Importance- "Grigore Moisil" National College - Teacher: Iulia Perju

  • Women’s Day
    By Toader Rebeca
    In our society, every day is a man’s day, but 8th March is a day dedicated to recognition for women.
    Who would’ve thought that even the most powerful people in the world owe their success to a woman-the woman who raised and taught them everything they needed to know?
     Intenational Women’s Day was first celebrated in 1911 in Germany, Austria, Denmark and Switzerland where over one million people started a campaign for women’s rights such as: voting, working and education access. Since then, a lot of things have changed even if there are still a lot of improvements to make.                        
    Women around the world come together on this day and they use their voices to raise the awareness about the things that they have been struggling with for many decade: gender equality, justice and peace. Some of the best examples of women who got to be heard are: Parisa Portaherian- a woman who scores soccer matches in Iran, where women are not allowed to be; Rahmalia Aufa Yazid-a 24 year-old freelancer of a clothing line which combines Muslim and Japanese fashion and Greta Thunberg- the 16 year-old girl who has skipped classes every Friday just to sit outside the Sweden’s parliament to demand act on climate change. These young women contribute everyday on solving society’s worst problems.  So what is stopping you for making the world a better place? Go outside and see what you can do to change the world!

    “You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.”
    By Hasim Amir
    If you think that men are the only ones that did something for the world we know today, you are wrong! Women played and are still playing a great role in the growth and development of the society and in making it an advanced and modern society.
    Men didn’t have to fight for their rights, instead women had to fight for every right they have now. Their lack of physical power and authority does not make them inferior to men. For decades, women have made great accomplishments in history, but it wasn’t always this way. Even further back in history, women were forbidden to vote or even obtain an education! Although women were making great public strides by the late 20th century, they still did remarkable things behind the scenes before that time. If we take a look in the social history, we discover that the first poem written down, which has survived to the present day, was written by a woman called Enheduanna, very interesting given that in later times women were discouraged from writing and even from learning to read. In the Celtic culture of France, women fought as warriors alongside their men. What they may have lacked in physical strength, they are said to have made up for in the fierceness of their attacks. Boudicca, a British Celtic queen who fought against the Roman invaders of her country is a prime example of how a woman at that time could be a political and military leader.
    Across Europe, women could not vote, were strongly discouraged from owning a business and had many fewer property rights than men. It is only really in the twentieth century that women have made such gains in equality that it is nothing short of revolutionary. Women's groups such as the Suffragettes campaigned successfully for women to be granted the right to vote, in most countries this had happened by 1930. The two world wars showed that women could take men's place in factories, that they could work outside the home as well as within it and that they could contribute to the economy. Even Romania had lots of brave women in history. For example, Elena Teodoroiu. She fought as a soldier, was promoted and was congratulated by King Ferdinand. The first female aviator to break the World Record in 1931 for female parachute jumping at 6,000 metres altitude was Smaranda Braescu. She was also the first European pilot to get a pilot licence in the United States. Eugenia Reuss-Ianculescu was a feminist activist in Romania and has founded the Female Emancipation organization in 1911. She supported modifications in law to help women, she supported equal pay for women and access for women to diverse professions to which they were denied. The first gymnast to receive a 10-grade in the history of gymnastics was Romanian Nadia Comaneci. She achieved this in 1976 at the Montreal Olympic games. Now she is one of the most well-known gymnasts women in the world and is still admired for her performance. And the list goes on.
    Without these brave and courageous women nothing would have changed. Only through suffering and tears did they manage to change the future for the other generations and it is our mission to go with further progress.

    Why do we celebrate women’s day?
    By Sandu Ana
    Over the years, I’ve heard a lot of men talking about Women’s Day. Opinions were different from person to person, but I noticed that many of them had one thing in common, which is the question: “We celebrate Women’s Day, but why nobody cares so much about Men’s Day?”
    Since antiquity, the woman has been considered as the beautiful sex, and the male as the strong sex. Basically, the man was somehow considered superior. For many years, women have lived without rights, been treated immorally, and were seen as children factories. Their lives were sad and insignificant.
    It is ironic that, in the 19th century, the West wanted freedom and equality for all people, but apparently the woman didn’t make it into the category of "people". They were categorized according to how well they performed as housewives or mothers. However, some women wanted to prove that they also deserve to be treated on an equal footing. At that time, people considered working at the printing house a damning job, especially if they were part of the high society. Many noblemen stayed away from it. The noblemen’s wives took advantage of the opportunity and started to translate books and other materials (the first translation made by a Romanian woman appeared in 1835, when Catinca Sâmboteanu translated the work of Alain-Rene Lesage). Many other women began to translate foreign works and were slowly being taken seriously by the intellectual society of the country.
    Even though the translation phenomenon was successful, it was not enough. The educated women dealing with translations were not supported by the others. The majority of the noblemen's wives were concerned with everything that was new and fashionable (cooking recipes, French novels, foreign languages) and most of them did not give any sign that they wanted to become an active force in the society. They were observers who took over the trends and implemented them.
    I believe that the most interesting situation at that time was widowhood. The widows suddenly woke up alone in front of a bunch of problems and things they could no longer share with a man. Their life was strange: they had no husband, but they had more individual freedom and they could make their own decisions, but on the other hand, they were much more vulnerable and considered dangerous to society (the world believed that in the absence of the man, women were regaining their instincts and evil notions). Women who have inherited a store or business suffered too as , at that time, a woman in a boss's position was not seen well, and this problem continues to happen today. For the first time in the history of Romania, women were entitled to vote in 1938. Slowly, they were getting better seen and their opinion started to matter.
    Summing up all the above, women have had to endure and struggle to gain their rights and to be heard. Men had them all since the beginning. So, I believe that 8th March is referring at women’s victory and their fight for freedom and independence and that is exactly why people usually tend to care more about Women’s day than Men’s Day.

                                                      International Women’s Day

  • By Tudor Oana
    International Women’s Day (8 March) is an occasion marked by women’s groups around the world. When women on all continents, divided by national boundaries and by ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic and political differences, come together to celebrate their Day, they can look back to a tradition that represents at least nine decades of struggle for equality, justice, peace and development.
    International Women’s Day is the story of ordinary women as makers of history; it is rooted in the century- old struggle of women to participate in society on an equal footing with men.
    The idea of an International Women’s Day first arose at the turn of the 20th century. Following is a brief chronology of the most important events; 
    1909: In accordance with a declaration by the Socialist Party of America, the first National Women’s Day was observed across the United States on 28 February. Women continued to celebrate it on the last Sunday of that Month till 1913.
    1910: The socialist International’, meeting in Copenhagen, established a Women’s Day, international in character, to honour the movement for women’s  rights and to assist in achieving universal suffrage for women. The proposal was greeted with unanimous approval by the conference of over  100   women from 17 countries. No fixed date was selected for the observance.
    1911: Because of the decision taken at Copenhagen in the previous year, international Women’s Day was marked for the first time (19 March) in Austria. Denmark , Germany and Switzerland, where more than one million women and men attended rallies. In addition to the right to vote and to hold public office, they demanded the right to work, to vocational training and to an end to discrimination on the job.
    1913: As part of the peace movement brewing on the eye of World War I, Russian women observed their first International Women’s Day on the last Sunday of February 1913. Elsewhere in Europe. On or around 8 March of the  following year, women held rallies either to protest the war or to express solidarity with their sister.
    1917: With two million Russian soldiers dead in the war, their women again chose the last Sunday in February to strike for “bread and peace”. Political leaders opposed the timing of the strike, but the women continued to strike. The rest is history: four days later, the Czar was forced to abdicate and the provisional government granted women the right to vote. That historic Sunday fell on 8 March on the Gregorian calendar.
    Since those early years, International Women’s Day has assumed a new global dimension for women in developed and developing countries alike. The growing international women’s movement, which has been strengthened by four global United Nations women’s conferences, has helped make the commemoration a rallying point for coordinated efforts to demand women’s rights and participation in the political and economic process. Increasingly, International Women’s Day is a time to reflect on progress made, to call for change and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of women’s rights.   
    Women community though equal to men in population, it is a concern to note that, yet in this modern sophisticated world, she is treated as the second citizens or subordinates to men. Though various efforts are being made to improve the status of women. They have not taken their maximum use and remain backward.
    Women do not have an equal status with men. Serious efforts are being made throughout the world and various schemes programmes have been launched to minimize the gender inequality. Even then the gender bias exists and it varies from country to country and even within a country.
    In the second half of the 20th century, countries like USA, France and Hungary have 2.9%, 3.8% and 5.4% illiterate women respectively. The figures for India are 60.7% , Turkey 83.3% Iraq 95.8% and Algeria 98.2%. of the 100 million children world wide between the ages of 6 and 11 who do not attend school, 70% are girls. Of the one million illiterate adults an estimated two third are women. 
    Presently, women produce 50% of the world’s food supply, account for 60% of working force and contribute upto 30% of the official labour force but receive  only 10% of the world economy and more surprisingly own less than 1% of world’s real estate. In Nepal, women work 21 more hours each week than men, and in India 12 hours. In Kenya 8 to 14 year old girls, spend 5 hours more on household chores than boys.
    The gender inequality is an obstacle for development. A strategy to remove or at least to reduce inequality is very essential.
    In recent years, the empowerment of women is recognized globally as a key element to achieve progress in all areas. In the last twenty- five years, there has been a global efforts with a strong support from the United Nations to understand the discrimination and restore the status of women. The United Nations General Assembly declared the International Year of Women in 1975 followed by the International Women’s Decade.
    Women have largely remained backward in the advances of science and technology. Various macro indicator related to their education, employment, health and participation in economic activities attest that gender inequalities and women’s vulnerability stand stark, despite numerous initiatives.

    Women's Day
    By Popescu Adnana
    International Women’s Day is a worldwide event that celebrates women’s achievements which has been recognised each year on March 8.It has all started in 1909 when an estimated 15,000 women marched in New York City demanding fair wages, labor standards and guaranteed voting rights ,ironically with what Katherine Hepburn said once"If you obey all the rules,you miss all the fun" and she might have been right.This wasn't only an act of courage which we should all thank to for our today's freedom as women,but the first step on the social scale improvement as feminin gender representatives too.Since then , women have been taking the will to fight against all the stereotypes which are assumed to or based on the woman's body such as "suited works for women","woman's place in society" mostly because they are biologically not as strong as the male representatives.Fortunately, in history, we have a lot of examples of "strong" women who left their mark on the society with their astonishing traits like wisdom , patience , flexibility and the social skills.
    BalanceforBetter is the theme for this year's International Women's Day.The 2019 initiative is aimed at gender equality, a greater awareness of discrimination and a celebration of women's achievements, according to the International Women's Day website:
    "It's a time to reflect on the progress for women and call for ways to address the unfinished business in working toward equality," said Rachel Vogelstein, a board member at the National Women's History Museum. 

    By Karl Lily
    Women are considered to be sensitive, weak and that’s why they need men’s protection, in order to be successful. I partially disagree with this and I think that women are even more powerful than men. Their quick thinking and their power of hard work make them special.
    The evolution of feminism has changed a lot and women seem to rule the world. They are well-organized, responsible and hard working. Even tough men would mock at women’s role in society, they have proved that they can be great leaders, wonderful politicians or even presidents, or why not, powerful queens.
    Moreover, women have been great doctors, like Marie Curie or other great women in the field of sport, such as Nadia Comaneci, Simona Halep.
    Not a long time ago, women were not allowed to own properties, to practise sport or to go to school. Sadly, a woman was men’s property and men had the right to do everything they wanted to her. In the worst case they could kill her and nobody said anything. This was his right. In our times, in some small countries this is still practised. Luckily, in the most countries things have changed and women are more powerful than ever.
    To sum up, I’m glad I haven’t faced those times and I am delighted to represent the WOMAN, who is beautiful and unique.

    International Woman’s Day
    by Stefan Bianca

           I think everyone celebrated Woman’s Day at least once. But not everyone knows what we actually celebrate… Most of us think that on 8th of March we celebrate all the mothers, but this is not true. This day represents empowering women, being set up to promote their rights and equality with men. In some places, it is a day of protest, in others, it is a day that celebrates womanhood. 
          Every country has a different way to celebrate this day. In Romania, men of all ages are giving the women different things, such as flowers, chocolate, romantic dinners, but in other countries like Mexico, women wake up with the mariachi arrangements that sing them under the window the “Las Mananitas” anniversary song.  In Italy, on March 8 meetings are held on the assertion of women's rights, their safety at work, and health. Men in Italy are giving women yellow mimosa on March 8th. Yellow mimosa and chocolate bits are frequently offered to women in Russia and Albania on March 8.
          In Romania, Mother's Day has been declared a public holiday since 2010 and is celebrated on the first Sunday of May. In Romania and Bulgaria, the customs before the fall of Communism were preserved, when on 8 March, on Mother's Day, the children made gifts to their mothers, grandmothers and teachers.

    Women’s Day and Rights
    By Naderi Far Hassan

        International Women’s Day is celebrated on 8th of March every year. And its an important celebration for women’s rights. Women’s rights are the rights and entitlements claimed for women and girls worldwide, and formed the basis for the women rights movement in the nineteenth century and feminist movement during the 20th century. 
        The history of the celebration dates back to the 8th of March 1908, when a textile factory owner locked his workers in the factory leading to the deaths of 129 people in a fire. The workers were working with a liliac colour fabric, which nowadays represents the colour of the Women rights movement.
         The holiday is important, because it celebrates the achievements and hardships of women worldwide which for a long time and even today in some parts of the world, are not recognized. Women played an important part in the history of mankind, a role which only started to be recognized after the horrible losses of the 20th century, when a huge part of the male population was busy waging war against eachother and thus the opposite sex remained on the home front. They started working in the factories, military and other jobs usually done by men. Because of their accomplishments, society started to view women differently and such women started benefiting from universal suffrage and more rights.
        Today the majority of the developed world had implemented equal rights for women and men, and a lot of countries celebrate International Women’s Day every year, but there is still a long way to achieve equality for many women worldwide, and a celebration like this helps raising awareness for rights, and it proves that we are on the right path.

Belgrade, Serbia, Sixth Belgrade Grammar School, Teacher Ana Kovacevic

  • the most famous Serbian women
    Jelena Anzujska first founder of the school
    Jefimija first bookstore
    Milica Hrebeljanovic first diplomate
    Katarina Ivanovic first painter
    Marija Maga first ballerina
    Draga LJocic first doctor
    Mileva Maric Anstajn first  mathematics
    Milunka Savic first warrior

    Regarding the rights of women and gender equality, gender equality is guaranteed by the 2006 Constitution of the Republic of Serbia. Serbia is a signatory to the UN Convention on the Political Rights of Women and the Convention on Equal Remuneration for Equal Value for Men and Women. The Law on Gender Equality envisages measures aimed at preventing and eliminating gender and gender discrimination. According to the European Commission's Analytical Report, it is estimated that "the implementation of national strategies in this area remains at a low level.

Common Work- Essay Book

  • Prepared by Yaren Ciğerci
    Teacher: Fatma Boztepe
    Beşiktaş Atatürk Anatolian High School- Group 1

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