7 Mart 2019 Perşembe

4-Describing Democracy


  • Please, write what you have learned about democracy and about the “forum” implementation.
    ( all students should write here )
    I believe that it is important to live in a democratic country. The forum let me think about aspects of our lives that I took for granted. Living in a constitutional state is a really important thing. I also like the fact that during the forum, students made many questions after each speech. It was really nice to share ideas and points of view.
    Francesca Sestito, IIS Enzo Ferrari Italy, Agrarian School. Teacher: Valentina Fera
    I think that the forum with the other students was really interesting. Democracy is not only freedom but also equality and human rights in general. I learnt that democracy is everywhere around us. It is “the rule of the people”, as its literal meaning states, but it is always fundamental to respect your neighbor. 
    Perruccio Maria Teresa. IIS ENZO FERRARI  Italy- Agrarian school . Teacher: Valentina Fera
    To know what democracy really is, is the first and the most important step to be democratic. First of all, I’ve learnt the definition. But the first question’s answer brung another question: Why do we need democracy? If there had been no democracy in the world how would our lives be? 
    The answer was given in the forum implementation. Democracy is needed because everybody should have same standarts. Back then, when there were no such thing as the formentioned democracy; kings, queens and noblesse had more rights and we couldn’t say a thing about equality. But now, in the most of the countries, there are democratic governance and everyone is equal in justice. 
    Zeynep İsmihan Avşar / Beşiktaş Atatürk Anatolian High School Group 1 / Turkey / Teacher: Fatma Boztepe
    I think it is important to be in a project like this. Because democracy is needed in today’s world and we should be more aware of this regime. Aware of our rights and our responsibilities. Democracy gives us a lot of freedom and opportunities but there is also some things we should do to live this regime in it’s true meaning. I really like this project’s main idea because not everyone has the same thinking about a particular issue and democracy is not against any of those thoughts. 
    Mira Metin / Beşiktaş Atatürk Anatolian High School/ Group 1/ Teacher: Fatma Boztepe
    Freedom, liberty and happiness; all of them is strictly tied to the democracy. We had asked  too many good questions to ourselves and in the end, we figured out democracy is one of the basic rights of humans and there is no way that we can have stable relations with each other, especially politicians. Personally, I am extremely happy with this topic and discussion.
    Kerem Gür /  Beşiktaş Atatürk Anatolian High School/ Group 1/ Teacher: Fatma Boztepe
    I think living in a democratic country is not a privilege but a right.As the youth we should be aware of the fact that democracy is  something very important.By this forum and this project I learned a lot about democracy.Not only it's definition but how people see it,why we need it etc.Sharing ideas widen my perspective on this topic.
    Elif Mumcu/Beşiktaş Atatürk Anatolian High School/Group 2/Teacher:İnayet Çalışkan
    In this forum we learnt that we can't think a state especially a constitutional state without equality,freedom,justice and pluralism.Democracy should be connected with them.But why did we do this forum and why we should care about democracy that much.I think that we got our answers in this forum implementation and their answers to our questions that we asked them.
    Berke Çimenoğlu/Beşiktaş Atatürk Anatolian High School/Group 2/Teacher:İnayet Çalışkan
    Even the idea of democracy brings many questions by itself. And a lot of good questions had been asked in the forum. Thankfully all of the participants had great answers to these questions and our forum was really good. We were able to see the different perspectives from different countries, and I think this was the best part of this forum.
    Alperen Hasanoğlu / Beşiktaş Atatürk Anatolian High School / Group 2 / Teacher: İnayet Çalışkan
    In this forum we understood what the meaning of democracy is. We met with another country’s people and this forum was really interesting. This forum shows us what should come to mind when we talk about democracy. We see the different points of view of foreign countries. Thanks to everyone who participated in this form.
    Dilara ÖZTÜRK— Beşiktaş Atatürk Analation High School— Group 2 — Teacher => İnayet Çalışkan
    Actually the forum was really entertaining and i liked the ideas of other students. I hope that everyone got some eye opening ideas so everyone can think better in social life. Everyone prepared their speech very nicely. The speeches were very useful to me by the way.
    Ensar Raşid Kocagöz / Etiler Anatolian High School / Teacher: Arzu Çalık Seydim
    The forum was not bad. There were plenty good speeches that I liked. I liked how everyone had different ideas and different points of views. People discussed what is right and what is wrong. A few of the speeches really deserved something. I think the only problem we had was the bad communication. It was pretty hard to understand people talking at first because there were too many people interrupting eachother.
    Egemen Yıldız / Etiler Anatolian High School / Teacher: Arzu Çalık Seydim
    I think that the speeches were absolutely grate and effectable and everybody did their best. I totally believe that everybody have learnt so many useful informations. In conclusion, i would like to congratulate everybody for this excellent forum.
    Ulvi Maharramov / Etiler Anatolian High School / Teacher: Arzu Çalik Seydim
    The forum was absolutely good. The speakers told in concert and describe the real democracy so that was educational.  Everyone seemed very prepared. The speeches were very informative. And the other hand we met from people all around the world, that was amazing. 
    Aysu Kayazade/ Beşiktaş Atatürk Anatolian High School/ Group2/ Teacher: İnayet Çalışkan
    The forum was a great way to show us the ideas of the people of the other countries. I think it was a good event. Even if there have been several problems, it was clearly effective.
    Hakkı Burak Kaya / Beşiktaş Atatürk Anatolian High School/ Group2/ Teacher: İnayet Çalışkan
    It was important for us to see if other countries live in a similar democratic way.
    Ana Kovacevic Belgrade , 6 belgrade gymnasium

As a Common work, Describing Democracy -Forum

  • Describing Democracy
    We created a forum with the participation of all our partners and we discussed the main topics of democrasy and we tried to make the spectators understand what democrasy is by answering their questions.

    Kerem Gür -Beşiktaş Atatürk Anatolian High School Group 1 Teacher: Fatma Boztepe -Turkey
    Bedirhan Efe Akkuş - Beşiktaş Atatürk Anatolian High School - Group 1 Teacher: Fatma Boztepe - Turkey
    Ulvi Maharramov- Etiler Anatolian High School- Teacher: Arzu Seydim - Turkey
    Ahmet Uzun - Beşiktaş Atatürk Anatolian High School  - Group 2 Teacher: İnayet Çalışkan / Turkey
    Katarina Mihajlović, Sara DJurdjevic- Sixth Belgrade gymnasium, Grupa 1: Teacher: Ana Kovačević / Serbia
    Aleyna Çetin - Erdemli Borsa Istanbul Hıgh School of Scıence -Teacher :Eda Ekşioğlu / Turkey
    Perruccio Maria Teresa-  IIS Enzo Ferrari Teacher Valentina Fera- Italy
    Popescu Adnana- Maria - Grigore  Moisil National College , Bucharest- Romania Teacher: Iulia Perju

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